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Many software products go through rigorous testing before release on the market. Others undergo quality assurance testing before the product is shipped or downloaded to customers. Some of these jobs are now remote, but most require industry knowledge, education, and experience.

When new products go on the market, both consumers and manufacturers hope that it performs as expected so that customer satisfaction is high and complaints and returns are few. Those with remote QA jobs test software for functionality and security.

Employers and product developers have always employed people to ensure that the product they are selling meets quality assurance standards of excellence. An increasing number of employers are open to hiring remote quality assurance employees, especially in software development.

What Does A QA Tester Do?

Quality assurance testers do what the name implies; they test the product to ensure it works as expected. Each product development team anticipates how a new product should perform when used by the consumer. No company wants to send out 1000s (or millions) of copies only to find that there are design flaws that could prove problematic.

This is why companies often have job posts for QA jobs ranging from manual tester to QA manager. The end goal is to ensure the user experience is a positive one.

Remote QA job test for bugs

What Is A QA Engineer?

A quality assurance engineer works hard to determine whether the software quality meets expectations. Larger companies employ test engineers that test all along the way during product development to ensure they catch glitches early on.

Some job duties include:

  • Coding automated tests
  • Creating test plans for software
  • Identifying bugs in programs
  • Perform both manual and automated testing
  • Standards development for software
  • Tracking results of testing and documenting findings

Some people work at the backend of quality assurance to test a finished product to make sure it performs as expected.

Remote QA jobs - VR glasses

How Does QA Work Remotely?

Software developers rely on people who can run their software products through the gamut of tests prior to product launch. This is the only way to be certain the consumer receives a quality product.

Technology has enabled employers of all kinds to offer remote work. Software engineers with a computer, high-speed internet, a webcam for meetings, and a workspace can efficiently perform most job responsibilities from home.

Most products undergo some degree of QA testing, but software testing is particularly well adapted to doing at home.

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Remote QA?

There are pros and cons to any job, including working remotely.


  • Flexible work hours
  • Money saved on commute since you are not working on site
  • Work and home life balance


  • Team building can be difficult
  • Collaboration can be more challenging
  • Communication can be challenging to ensure everyone is on the same page
  • The temptation to always be on the clock

The challenge with QA is that the tester needs the proper education and experience.

Remote QA jobs - mobile app tester

Can I Get A QA Job With No Experience?

You may get a part or full-time QA test job without experience, especially if you have an education in the field. Software developer jobs or QA lead positions are easier to break into with experience, but it is possible.

Startups are more likely to take a chance on someone with limited experience as they may lack the funds to pay for more experienced testers. Finding a remote job will be much easier if you have experience,

What it boils down to is that you should never shy away from putting your name out there if you have the basic credentials. (This is key.) You have nothing to lose from the application process, and any interviewing is an excellent experience as you search for the perfect career opportunity.

What Are The Job Requirements For A QA Tester?

The minimum requirement to be a quality assurance analyst at most companies is an associate’s or bachelor’s degree in engineering, math, or computer science. You might be able to pick up the knowledge and skill you need from a tech boot camp in coding or certification from a company like Google or Microsoft.

It is essential you have knowledge of software such as Linus, SQL, and automation tools. Many graduates pursue internships to test their skills and make themselves more appealing to employers.

Recruiters will take work-related experience into consideration, however, as some very technologically savvy individuals can learn a lot working for a software company.

Becoming a senior QA engineer may require a Master’s Degree in computer science or a related field, plus some years of experience. Having experience in quality control would give you an advantage over other candidates for this job type.

How Much Does A Remote QA Tester Make?

Many factors determine the salary and benefits package of a QA employee. If the job description is entry-level, one might expect to make $25-$45 hourly. Some of these entry-level positions even offer part-time work.

Some of the more complicated test cases and software QA jobs, such as that of a QA automation engineer or product manager, compensate much higher, up above six figures annually, depending on the job and the experience you bring to it.

What Are Some Companies That Hire Remote QA Testers?

You can be a QA Specialist in fields other than software, but most are software or web development related when looking for a remote job. Many companies that are not considered tech companies use software that someone must test.

Some employers have flex or hybrid jobs where some travel and in-shop work is required. An example is Aldi international, which, when hiring for the job title produce and meat quality assurance, makes it clear that the candidate would have to visit their stores to check on the implementation of procedures.

  • CVS Health – Senior application development analyst & cloud security engineer – average hourly pay $39
  • DocuSign – Software development engineer – approximate annual pay $118,000
  • IVIDTEK – Senior SDET – 5+ years of software development or hand-coded test automation development using Java, Selenium, Cucumber, Jacoco, or similar language – Annual pay $110,000-$120,000
  • Play Station: Software development engineer in testing – $36-$54 hourly
  • Staples: QA automated testing engineer – annual pay $91,000-$118,000
  • Target – QA analyst in food safety – annual pay $54,000-$86,000

How Do I Get A Remote QA Job?

To get a remote job, there are some things you can do. Registering for job alerts in your chosen field will have you receiving job opportunities sent right to your inbox. Working with a recruiter (or head hunter) to help match you to employers is another tactic some people employ.

As you search for the perfect job, using the word “remote” or “off-site” in your searches is helpful. However, don’t automatically discount jobs that do not specify remote work. An increasing number of employers are open to this type of flexibility.

Pam Berg

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam entered the world of working remotely about four years ago. Also an avid runner, she was approached by a digital company to write articles related to fitness and exercise. This launched a part-time job of writing on a variety of different topics. Pam enjoys the flexibility of working from home on a per diem basis when her schedule allows.

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