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No matter how the world changes, one thing that’s not going anywhere is virtual networking. Growing your remote work network connections is crucial to your professional career growth as a remote worker.

Nowadays, you don’t need to rub shoulders with strangers and answer, “So, what do you do?” twenty times a night. You’re no longer limited to those you physically cross paths with; you can connect with people worldwide. 

You can grow your remote network from the comfort of your home office or coworking space. 

Every professional in all walks of their career should actively seek out remote work network connections. Networking can benefit you whether you’re a CEO, manager, employee, or unemployed. 

As you start this virtual journey, it’s important to remember that you must cultivate meaningful relationships. Contact networking links when you have useful input or compliments. Then, stay in touch by sharing relevant articles, offering assistance, or respectfully offering a different point of view. 

Why Is Professional Networking Important as a Remote Worker?

When you work in-office, networking happens almost effortlessly–you network during coffee breaks, office events, or even on your morning commute. As a remote worker, you typically only see your roommate, family, or pets on your twenty-step commute to your home office. 

Woman working from home and her dog on the couch.

Creating remote work network connections helps you build professional relationships, exchange ideas, learn from diverse perspectives, stay ahead of changing occupational trends, and sharpen your skills. It also allows you to:

  • Stay connected with colleagues. This helps you stay up-to-date on industry news and trends and get support and advice from your peers.
  • Learn new things. You can attend conferences, read articles, and connect with people who are experts in your field. This can help you stay ahead of the curve and develop your skills.
  • Find opportunities. You can connect with potential employers, clients, and partners, which can help you grow your business or find a new job.
  • Feel less isolated and lonely. Working remotely can be isolating, especially if your job isn’t particularly social. You can connect with people who share your interests and challenges through networking, creating deep connections and an unbeatable support system.

8 Ways to Grow Your Remote Work Network Connections

Whether you’re a seasoned remote worker or just starting out, there are many ways to connect with other professionals and build a strong network. One of the most important things to remember is to be active and engaged in your network and offer value to others. 

Integrate one or more of the following tips to grow your virtual connections. Regardless of your method, always remember to be kind and add value where possible (conferences, webinars, chats, threads, etc.).

1. Use Social Media

You can use social media in multiple ways. You can market yourself and make your profile more like a professional portfolio. When you achieve a goal or publish something new, post about it. Many users have a casual account and a professional account they switch back and forth between. 

Alternatively, or in addition, you can use social media to follow, like, comment, and share posts from professionals in your field that you admire. Make yourself known by private messaging them a compliment or letting them know how the information they’ve shared has helped or inspired you. 

A man using social media on his computer to aid growing remote work network connections.

2. Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn, the professional social media. You can do so many different things on this site. You can look for jobs, look for employees, market your services, share your work, follow industry leaders, learn, collaborate, and more. Be active in LinkedIn groups and events to grow your circle. 

3. Say Yes to Virtual Events

Virtual conferences and webinars related to your industry are filled with invaluable information you can soak in from the comfort of… anywhere. Many hosts use breakout rooms to divide the audience into smaller groups to make networking easier. When possible, introduce yourself and reach out to the speaker or panelists afterward. 

Attending virtual events is a great way to grow your remote work network connections.

Find out about virtual events related to your field on Instagram, LinkedIn, Slack communities, and Reddit.

4. Join Lunchclub

You can think of Lunchclub like Bumble BFF for professionals. When you make an account, you share information about your background, interests, and goals.

Lunchclub uses AI to scan profiles and connect you with people you’d likely enjoy a one-on-one conversation with. It’s aimed at professionals who wish to learn, grow, and meet new people. Many have found investors, colleagues, consultants, and friends who add value to their professional careers.

5. Use Reddit

Reddit is an open forum that you can use as professionally or casually as you wish. In terms of networking, you can post thought-provoking questions, ask for insights, or share experiences.

Replying to people’s posts with valuable insights is an excellent way to build credibility. Always stay professional and polite.

6. Create a Strong Personal Brand

By creating a solid personal brand, networking opportunities will come to you. It is a great way to showcase your skills and abilities and attract potential employers, even if you’re not actively seeking a career change. 

Creating a personal brand takes work. You must focus on what sets you apart from others, determine your target audience, build your online presence, and engage with your audience. What can you offer them that others can’t? What’s unique about how you deliver information?

Woman filming herself talk about her niche and expertise.

You can host Q&A sessions, webinars, podcasts, and more to grow your brand. The more active you are, the more credibility you’ll have. Blogs and active social media accounts are also ideal ways to connect with a vast audience.

7. Attend Virtual Workshops

A big mistake many professionals make is not prioritizing purposeful learning. Learning on the job is crucial, but actively seeking knowledge and perfecting skills will open many doors.

Udemy Business has over 24,000 courses across many industries. 

8. Seek Out Virtual Mentorships

Whether offered by your place of employment, a professional organization, or an educational institution, take advantage of the opportunity to learn from someone who has already succeeded in your field. Mentors can drastically transform your career path by providing you with information that takes years on the job to understand fully. 

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Determined to simultaneously work and travel, Sami has been working remotely since 2015. She has seen the good, the bad, and the ugly of this world but wouldn't change her experiences for anything. She's thrilled to see companies offering more remote and hybrid roles and supports anyone who chooses to make the change.

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