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Some remote workers might do their job from their bed or couch or even at Starbucks, but every home worker should have a quality office chair in their home office. A well-designed and properly adjusted chair offers better ergonomics for your neck, spine, and legs.

People who work from home can sit anywhere they like – on the couch or in a comfortable living room chair, lying on the bed, a kitchen chair, or a barstool. But should they?

Spine experts say that having an ergonomic home office chair is a good investment that saves your back and neck if you work for long periods of time. You need a chair that will help you make it through the workday.

Prepare for a deep dive into choosing the office desk chair that will work best for you and your lifestyle.

What Are The Benefits Of Sitting In A Chair While Working?

Those who work from home might be tempted to use what they have and not invest in a chair that they will work from, primarily if they just work a few hours a day. However, there are some real advantages to purchasing a quality office chair.

For example, an ergonomic chair has many vital features that support your body differently than other chairs. In addition to being more comfortable, an ergonomic chair supports your posture, reduces neck and back pain, and can make working easier by removing pressure from your body. Believe it or not, comfort can lead to increased productivity. If you sit correctly and do not slouch, your back will be happy!

Home office setup with home office chair

The type you prefer really depends on several factors, so don’t hop online to order one just yet.

What Are The Advantages Of A Dedicated Home Office Chair?

A quality office chair intended for work is important for most people because casual furniture is not made for sitting on for 8+ hours each day while trying to be productive. True office furniture is intended to be comfortable and functional in the hopes that the user will experience high productivity.

Most people want a comfortable desk chair, but the definition of “what is comfortable” varies among users. There are many important qualities to consider in a home office chair that comprise “comfort.” 


The arms might seem like a minor part of comfort, but they are important. Chair arms help you get in and out of the chair, but they also take the pressure off your back and shoulders and help you maintain your posture.

Many armrests adjust to different heights or swing out of the way. You want your arms to be at a right angle without pointing up or down. If you prefer an armless chair, make sure its height is adjustable, and its back offers good lumbar support.

Back Support

Chairs can come with various types of backrests and even have adjustable lumbar support, etc.

  • High back. Chairs with a high back are often called executive chairs. They may make the person sitting in it look stately, but the increased height offers more comfort and support for 8 hours a day.
  • Mid-back. Other chairs with mid-back height promote better posture as they hug the spine’s natural curves.
  • Short-back. Chairs with short backs provide lower and mid-back support, plus greater flexibility as you lean forward, stand up, or move back.

Sitting is brutal on the spine, which is why standing desks have surged in popularity. To mitigate the effects of sitting, many chairs have a lumbar support attachment or a built-in part of the chair that maintains the inward curve of the back as it aligns with the lower back. This is important, as the lumbar stress of sitting is 1.5 greater than standing and double when walking. The lumbar support absorbs back strain. If your chair does not have adequate lumbar support, you might want to add a pillow.

Some chairs even have a headrest.

ErgoTune home office chair with ergonomic features

Swivel Feature

All office chairs – not counting repurposed kitchen or dining chairs and such – have a swivel feature so that you can turn your whole body to see a second monitor, focus on a different part of your desk, or talk to someone. A swivel chair is much better on your back.

Most chairs also have casters.


Seat Size

Chairs have an average seat width of 18”, but if you have wide hips or consider yourself “big and tall,” opt for a wider seat. You want the seat to cradle your body and allow for easy rising from the chair. Bigger models may have seats up to 23” wide.

Seat Depth

The depth of the seat is usually 17-18”, which may be too deep for shorter people. You should be positioned on the chair so that your back meets the chair back and the back of your knees are 1-2” from the edge of the seat. You should be able to put two fingers between the front of the seat and the back of your keep. Some chairs have adjustable depth.

Seat Height

Most office chairs offer adjustable height. You want the highest point of the seat to be just below your kneecap. Your knees should be at a 90-degree angle to the floor, and your feet flat on the floor. Short people might need a footrest.

Chairs usually have a handle under the seat that can adjust the height about 5”. Some also feature a tilt tension knob that controls how much the chair reclines and how much force is needed to do it.


Some office chairs are hardwood or plastic, but a padded chair may be more comfortable. Sitting in a chair that is too soft can lead to muscle spasms, but if the chair is too hard, a seat cushion should help.

A gaming chair might be comfortable, but it will not offer enough support for a long work session.

Seat Fabric

You can select a leather office chair or opt for faux leather, breathable mesh, or fabric upholstery.

Both leather and faux are easy to clean. While leather dissipates heat, faux leather, which is plastic, retains it. You might prefer a mesh office chair if you get warm at work. Mesh back chairs are somewhat flexible.

Mesh home office chair

How Much Should I Pay For A Home Office Chair?

Office chairs are available at various price points, depending on what you are looking for. You can find a chair in price ranges from $79 – $1000+. (Some of the best by Steelcase and Herman Miller approach $2,000.) The price you will pay for a chair depends on the features you are looking for and your budget.

An executive office chair will cost a great deal more than a simple rolling chair. Ergonomic desk chairs cost more than those without ergonomics. The more adjustable the chair is, the higher the cost. Then there is the warranty. Most costly chairs often have a multiple-year warranty. However, many vendors offer warranties you can purchase on less expensive models.

How Do I Set Up A Home Office Chair?

Setting up your home office chair is simple; just follow the directions given to you. Some good things to consider when putting together any piece of furniture:

  • Read the directions.
  • Check the package to ensure you have all the pieces.
  • Once the chair is put together, start adjusting things to your personal taste and comfort.
  • With your feet flat on the floor, your knees should be at a 90-degree angle.
  • Adjust the lumbar support to your preference.

What Is The Best Work From Home Office Chair?

Here are our general top five in a variety of price ranges.

  • Humanscale Freedom Task Chair: Recognizing that the price of this chair is out of the range for many of us, Humanscale still should be mentioned. Known for being forward-thinking in regards to sustainability, they are growing in popularity.
  • HON Ignition 2.0 Ergonomic Office Chair: Features include adjustable lumbar support, adjustable armrests, tilting recline, seat slide, and swivel features.
  • Oline ErgoPro Ergonomic Office Chair: This mesh high-back office chair is also highly rated as a gaming chair. It features lumbar support, wheels to roll, and also swivels.
  • Ergonomic Office Chair: This option has adjustable lumbar support and headrest, flip-up armrests, and other perks.
  • Amazon Basics Classic Puresoft: If you are on a budget, this chair is a steal. It has a soft and luxurious feel, smooth wheels, and is easy to assemble.
Amazon Basics home office chair

What Is The Best Computer Chair For Sitting Long Hours?

First, we can’t stress enough that the best office chair for sitting for long hours is the one that works for you. A chair that works for you might not work perfectly for someone else. Consider what is important to you. Lumbar support? Swivel? Breathability?

The Herman Miller Aeron chair is one of the costliest ones we reviewed, but many swear it is worth the hype. You get a lot of adjustable moving parts for the best possible fit to your body.

Herman MIller Aeron work at home chair

What Is The Best Office Chair For A Small Home Office?

Flysky Ergonomic Office Chair is an excellent choice because the arms flip up so the chair can be pushed completely under the desk when not in use. This leaves you room to walk around when you work from a small home office.

What Is The Best Chair If You Are Petite? Or Tall Or Large?

New on Amazon with very few ratings, we like the looks of the SIDIZ T25 Petite Ergonomic Home Office Chair, made especially for petite people.

COLAMY Big and Tall Office Chair is a great option for heavy and tall people. This large chair supports up to 400 pounds and is very adjustable.

Colamy home office chair

Given the number of things you should look for in an ergonomic office chair, you should go to some office supply stores and get a feel for which chair meets your criteria. 

If you buy from online retailers like Amazon, make sure you know the weight limit, seat width, and depth you need and the features you want in an office chair for the best results.

Pam Berg

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam entered the world of working remotely about four years ago. Also an avid runner, she was approached by a digital company to write articles related to fitness and exercise. This launched a part-time job of writing on a variety of different topics. Pam enjoys the flexibility of working from home on a per diem basis when her schedule allows.

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