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Building rapport among virtual teammates is difficult as there is no personal contact. Online games for remote teams can help teammates know and trust each other, which helps foster work relationships and collaboration. It can also foster personal interactions that reduce the sense of isolation that remote workers can feel.

The pandemic created a world of people working remotely, which had employers scratching their heads about how to build a team attitude among remote employees. Hosting fun virtual events may sound challenging, but it does not have to be. Whether you have a few employees or a large group, there are quirky, engaging online games for remote teams you can play with your group.

Virtual team meetings have done everything from a remote dance party to Zoom happy hours to online escape rooms in order to build a positive culture, provide check-ins and work on a team mentality. Regardless of what your goal is, we have suggestions for you.

What Challenges Do Remote Teams Face In Contrast To Other Workplace Teams?

There are many challenges faced by those who have remote employees that can differ from in-person teams.

  • Communication Issues: Even people with the very best verbal and written communication skills can sometimes struggle. A virtual work environment can make it tricky for some individuals and teams.
  • Isolation: Although many people enjoy working remotely, others suffer from isolation and miss the occasional social interaction. Various fun activities, team-building opportunities, and virtual get-togethers can help combat loneliness.
  • Less Cohesion: Team members who never work together in person may have to work harder to become a cohesive unit.
  • Supervisory: Some employers of remote workers find it challenging to supervise them and be certain they are adequately on task during the work day. Coming up with systems to make sure productivity is what it should be while not being overbearing is crucial.
  • Team Bonding: When team bonding is less likely to be spontaneous, facilitating team bonding opportunities for remote teams may need to be structured through team-building games, team meetings, and other events.
Geograpically dispersed coworkers benefit from online games for remote teams

Why Are Online Games A Useful Approach To Team-building?

Looking for fun games to aid online team-building activity?

  • Escape Rooms: As escape rooms have gained popularity, so have their virtual counterparts. There are virtual escape rooms where people can play alone and versions for team play. What better virtual team-building game than to work out of an escape room together?
  • Scrabble: Many fun games have online options, including Scrabble, that old-fashioned word-creation game that families have enjoyed for ages.
  •  Trivia Games: There are many trivia games ranging from Trivial Pursuit to Pop Culture Trivia. Someone asks trivia questions to the remote players and allows alternating teams to answer.
  •  Two Truths and a Lie: A quick game involves each person telling two truths and a lie, and other guests guess the lie.
  •  Virtual Scavenger Hunt: In this game, all the members of the virtual office staff get the list at the same time. The first person to return with all the items on the list wins! If no one accomplishes the entire list, see who gets the most wins.
Onlien games for remote teams - Virtual escape room for Halloween

What Types Of Games Are Best For Remote Teams?

There are many different games you can play remotely. Some may have a cost to them, and others you can put together on your own without cost. Looking to facilitate games that can be used as virtual team-building activities on a budget? Consider fun party games such as:

  • Virtual Bingo: This classic game is always a fun option for people and is now a popular virtual game.
  • Board Games: Games like Scattegories or Monopoly can be played virtually with little effort. If the game requires rolling a die, you can either have players bring a die to the meeting or use a virtual die.
  • Charades: Staff members turn in hints via email to add to the draw bucket for a game of charades. If you are using video conferencing, all those attending and playing will be able to see the motions.
  • Emoji Games: Emojis figure in dozens of games to increase employee engagement. Here are 7 Games You Can Play with Emojis.
  • Gif Story: Play a fun game where people must continue conversing using only Gifs and see where it leads you. Each person plays one that somehow relates to the one played prior. Determine ahead of time how many plays there will be and see where it takes you! A fun icebreaker is to have people choose three Gifs that match their personality.
  • Pictionary: Just like charades but with pictures, the game facilitator can either use cards from the actual game or have employees submit items to draw.

What Online Games For Remote Teams Can You Play Via Microsoft Teams?

Of course, there are many games you can play on Microsoft Teams or any other online meeting. No matter what method of communication you are using, the sky is the limit. To build a strong and positive company culture, management may choose to implement the following:

  • Ice Breakers: You can ask icebreaker questions or play icebreaker games to get participants talking and getting to know one another.
  • Murder Mystery: Use your teamwork to solve a murder mystery. These can be partners or multiplayer approaches!
  • Virtual Happy Hour: It is okay to think outside of the box. Remote team building might be a virtual happy hour where people unwind on a video conference call.
Virtual happy hour - online games for remote teams

Do Employees Like These Games, Or Are They A Time-Waster?

The reaction to online games for remote teams is mixed. Some employees love the friendly competition and teamwork of problem-solving activities such as an escape room or other games. Individuals may enjoy icebreaker games or activities, or they may hate them. The fact is that you won’t please everyone. Some people prefer to work from home because they are not terribly social. These folks might hate team-building activities.

Are they a waste of time? It depends on how you frame it. Growth mindset, people will be willing to take a chance and approach the activities as a fun way to get to know one another and build a team mentality. Other people will not see it that way. Don’t let nay-sayers wreck the fun you are trying to facilitate.

Team building activities, icebreakers, and virtual games can be valuable if approached with the right attitude. Don’t hesitate to incorporate some into your virtual meetings. Just don’t be too disappointed if everyone does not engage positively. Focus on those who do!

Pam Berg

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam entered the world of working remotely about four years ago. Also an avid runner, she was approached by a digital company to write articles related to fitness and exercise. This launched a part-time job of writing on a variety of different topics. Pam enjoys the flexibility of working from home on a per diem basis when her schedule allows.

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