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Working from home involves getting a job that allows for remote work, preparing a proper workspace, and mentally preparing to work at home. Those who are self-motivated and have good work habits will do well whether they do the job from a home office or other location.

Learning how to work from home effectively is an art that more people are learning these days.

Working from home is a hot employment trend as an increasing number of people can now work remotely, part-time or full-time. It used to be true that only certain types of employment were opportunities for working from home. Now, that pool is getting bigger and bigger.

Finding a remote job, setting up your workspace, and making it all work for you (and your family) can be a fun and challenging adventure. Getting down to business every day is where the real challenge begins.

What Kind Of Job Can I Do From Home?

There are so many jobs you can do from home! Honestly, it is probably easier to list the things you can’t do from home. Even healthcare has been revolutionized, and you can see a doctor virtually.

How to work from home - telehealth with doctor or nurse

Let’s just list 10 jobs that are commonly able to be done from home. There are many, more, from entry-level positions to high-paying executive levels.

  1. Bookkeeping
  2. Customer Service
  3. Data Entry
  4. Digital Communications
  5. Proofreader
  6. Teacher/Tutor
  7. Transcriptionist
  8. Virtual Assistant
  9. Web Design
  10. Writer
Home-based customer service - how to work from home

Almost anything that uses the computer and requires little face-to-face contact can be work-from-home. You can’t put out a fire from home, but you can input fire statistics from an insurance company or lead a class in fire safety.

How Can I Work From Home And Have A Good Work-Life Balance?

Achieving good work and home-life balance can be difficult no matter what you do and where you work. Working from home opens up a unique set of potential problems because it can be tempting to avoid setting boundaries and limits.

1. Schedule

Setting a clear work schedule is one way to make things easier on yourself. Once you are done working for the day, shut your laptop, close the office door, and walk away. Of course, this is easier said than done. Communicating your work hours to both coworkers and family members can be helpful.

Have a designated workspace for yourself. Plan ahead for you will balance family needs with work responsibilities.

2. Don’t Be Superman (Or Woman)

Don’t fall victim to trying to “do it all” during your work hours. Certainly, it is okay to take a brain break, wash a few dishes, or step outside for some fresh air. What you want to do is avoid falling into the trap of constantly pushing yourself to accomplish more and more each day.

Work-life balance & keep your work/life balance

3. Take Breaks

Use personal errands to get a break throughout the day. Many people find themselves pushing through an 8-hour day without moving from their desk. If you were in an office you would have interruptions. Think about it: people stop to ask a question, or you have a short water cooler conversation. It’s okay to take that time for you.

4. Schedule Time Away

Especially important if you live alone, make sure you schedule some time away from home when your work day is done. When you work from home it can get easy to stay in your house day after day. Leaving regularly is good for your physical and mental health.

How Can You Create The Right Environment to Work From Home?

Creating the right environment that allows you to work from home involves different aspects and varies depending on the individual. Some popular points to consider as you set up a home office:

  • Chair: A comfortable chair is key to creating a space from which you can work.
  • Desk: Ask yourself what type of desk you need to be comfortable in to get the job done. Do you need just a small space to place a laptop or a desk big enough for double monitors and plenty of workspace? Pair your desk with a great, functional chair.
  • Lighting: There is nothing worse than eye strain when trying to read. Upgrade your lighting with new desk lamps. Also, consider the lighting for virtual meetings. Many sleek LED lights are dimmable and easy to adjust.
  • Outlets: Be sure when setting up your workspace you have adequate outlets (or power strips) for everything you will need.
  • Set Up: It is important to be intentional about how you set up your home office workspace. Consider factors such as workflow, traffic patterns, and privacy.
  • Webcam: Adding a webcam to your computer makes them suitable for video calls, Zoom meetings, etc. (Many computers have them built in.) Practice meeting virtually and be certain you are comfortable with how people see you in meetings. Camera placement, lighting, backgrounds, etc., all make a difference.
Home office chair - part of knowing how to work at home is setting up office space

How Do You Manage Your Kids During Work-time?

Sometimes people consider working from home a perk because they assume they can save money on childcare. When taking a job where you can work at home, it pays to think about how productive you anticipate you can be if you have your children home with you.

To balance the responsibilities they have to their kids and their job, work-from-home parents need to consider their options.

  • Daycare: Many parents with remote positions recognize that having their children home when they try to work is not manageable, so they take their children to daycare several days a week or even daily.
  • In-Home Babysitter: Some people with a remote job have a babysitter or nanny come into their home to help manage the children during work hours. Having a dedicated workspace that is off-limits to the kids can help you be productive while also being able to check in if you want.
  • Quiet Activities: If your children are old enough to be self-sufficient or do their school work remotely, another option is for them to have quiet activities for when you are fulfilling work obligations. This is easier to manage with older children.
  • School: Remote workers whose children are school-age can have some quiet time during the workday. Another option is to log into work early while the rest of the family members are sleeping. When the house starts to walk up, they then log off to help get everyone fed, dressed, and out the door to school. At that point, the worker can log back in and work until the family comes home.
  • Work Around Home Schedules: Many remote employees complete all their work-from-home jobs around the household’s schedules. This could mean working third shift, logging in and out at all times of the day or night, or something in-between.
A noisy home doesn't lead to productivity. Plan to keep your kids busy.

What Are Some Tips For Working From Home?

  • Balance: Finding a balance between your work and home life can be complicated. Sure, it can be handy that you can throw a load of clothes in the washer when at home, but are you finding yourself taking over much more of the household to-do list? Try not to cram too much extra into your work day.
  • Breaks: Schedule breaks for yourself whether you plan to eat, take a walk, or just step up and away from the computer for a few minutes.
  • Dedicated Work Space: Creating yourself a dedicated workspace can be helpful for many reasons. It is likely to be more comfortable, helps you keep your professional and personal life separate, and makes it easy for you to find your work things.
  • Manage Technology: One danger of working from home is you are tempted to check notifications of email or phone calls. You can silence personal items like social media notifications or text messages during the work day, and also quiet work-related items after work hours.
  • Quiet Zones: If you are sharing the space during your work hours, one big home tip is to dedicate some areas (or times) as quiet zones. For example, you might have a visual cue to let your family know you are in an important Skype or zoom meeting and they need to be quiet.
  • Social Interaction: It can be very isolating working from home and not seeing other people. Video conferencing with coworkers can help you to feel less lonely. Or you can set up a facetime lunch with a friend during one of your breaks.
  • Work Schedule: One way to prevent burnout is to have a set schedule that you plan to work. When it is the end of the day you have scheduled for yourself, mentally clock yourself out.

Can You Make Enough Money Working From Home?

One thing is certain – you can make enough money while working from home, whether you are working part-time or full-time. Many businesses are now offering virtual work options (or flex jobs).

If working from home (WFH) appeals to you, it’s time to brush up your resume, join LinkedIn, and start a job search for remote jobs. You may be surprised to find that there are many online jobs, as well as other types of work you can do remotely.

Positions ranging from data entry to virtual assistants to customer service representatives are just a few options when looking to switch to a flexible or remote work environment.

Get paid well from your remote job

What Are Some Companies That Allow You To Work From Home?

We can’t stress enough that the list for this is very, very long. How about we list a dozen employers who routinely hire remote employees? For more, dig into the Top Remote Employers.

  1. Adobe
  2. Amazon
  3. Apple
  4. CVS Health
  5. Hubspot
  6. Hubstaff
  7. Humana
  8. Stride K12
  9. Stitch Fix
  10. Transcribe Me
  11. UnitedHealth Group
  12. Zoom
Pam Berg

A former English teacher and currently an elementary principal in a rural school, Pam entered the world of working remotely about four years ago. Also an avid runner, she was approached by a digital company to write articles related to fitness and exercise. This launched a part-time job of writing on a variety of different topics. Pam enjoys the flexibility of working from home on a per diem basis when her schedule allows.

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